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Human4Human Recruitment, usługi rekrutacyjne dla firm poszukujących najlepszych Kandydatów, ogłoszenia o pracę, rekrutacja, headhunter
Human4Human Recruitment, usługi rekrutacyjne dla firm poszukujących najlepszych Kandydatów, ogłoszenia o pracę, rekrutacja, headhunter
Human4Human Recruitment, usługi rekrutacyjne dla firm poszukujących najlepszych Kandydatów, ogłoszenia o pracę, rekrutacja, headhunter
10 February 2025
Łódź/Warszawa 20.000 - 25.000 PLN Marketing to nie tylko reklama – to sztuka wytyczania
10 February 2025
Łódź/Warszawa 20.000 - 25.000 PLN To nie jest oferta pracy tylko życiowa szansa, aby

Aenean sagittis mattis purus ut hendrerit. Mauris felis magna, cursus in venenatis ac, vehicula eu massa. Quisque nunc velit, pulvinar nec iaculis id, scelerisque in diam. Sed ut turpis velit. Integer dictum urna iaculis vestibulum finibus. Etiam tempus dictum rhoncus. Nam vel semper eros. Ut molestie sit amet sapien vitae semper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. 


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Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy
Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy
Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy
Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy
Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy

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Human4Human Recruitment is a recruitment agency founded on the fundamental value of the recruitment process - working in service to PEOPLE.

Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy
Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy
Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy


Copyrights 2024 H4H / All rights reserved


15 January 2024

2023 will go down in history as a time full of challenges and uncertainties in HR. It was also a pivotal year for our agency in many respects. Some events prompted us to change our approach to recruitment and people management.

I encourage you to download and read the Activity Report of Human4Human Recruitment Agency, where we share not only the achievements of our agency but also new trends in the HR industry.

Summary of 2023 in H4H: New Challenges and Trends in HR

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Human4Human Recruitment, usługi rekrutacyjne dla firm poszukujących najlepszych Kandydatów, ogłoszenia o pracę, rekrutacja, headhunter

In 2023, we partnered with 39 new Employer Partners, including those from the engineering, electronic, distribution, insurance, and manufacturing industries. We are grateful to both new and existing Partners for their trust and willingness to jointly build recruitment based on human values. The joint efforts of the H4H Team also resulted in achieving a high satisfaction rate from completed recruitment projects and an increase in the effectiveness of successfully closed projects.   





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Human4Human Recruitment, usługi rekrutacyjne dla firm poszukujących najlepszych Kandydatów, ogłoszenia o pracę, rekrutacja, headhunter

In the context of competition for the best talent, companies last year focused not only on meeting their own needs but also on the candidate experience. We also decided to update our procedures and announcement templates to make the recruitment process more friendly, flexible, and transparent. Our candidate database grew by 20,000 new profiles, meaning an average of 55 people applied to our offers daily. This is a great result for an agency that does not use sponsored campaigns. Our database organically expands with real candidates interested in working with the Employers we represent.





Human4Human Recruitment, usługi rekrutacyjne dla firm poszukujących najlepszych Kandydatów, ogłoszenia o pracę, rekrutacja, headhunter


Last year, we expanded our activities to include training for Employers. Similar to the webinars and courses previously conducted for Candidates, last year we shared knowledge on human recruitment with participants of the Eddu Camp 2023 conference and conducted nearly 20 closed trainings at the request of our Partners.







In 2023, organizations intensified investments in artificial intelligence (AI) and recruitment process automation technologies. AI-based tools became an integral part of recruitment processes, assisting in CV analysis, candidate selection, and communication. We used the past 12 months to test the usefulness of new solutions and adapt their functionality to our recruitment procedure.


These measures resulted, for example, in a significant increase in the number of so-called returning Candidates, i.e., those who reapply for newly opened vacancies. Additionally, we implemented automation of sending information to Candidates about their progress in a given recruitment project, significantly improving communication and freeing up Consultants' time. (We will write more about useful AI tools for HR agencies in the next article.)


A noticeable trend in business was also the focus of companies on building sustainable teams and balancing work-life balance. Flexible forms of employment, remote work, and employee support programs were key elements of HR strategies. Organizations realized that satisfied and balanced employees contribute to the company's success.


For our agency, this year was groundbreaking as we successfully implemented or started implementing CSR Policy, and as part of it, we undertook several interesting initiatives: we created a Code of Ethics and Recruitment Policy, which are the basis of our recruitment processes. The most interesting initiative in the Green Way area was the purchase and reclamation of a forest plot for the construction of the HR Oasis - a relaxation and meeting place for our Consultants in the heart of nature, where not only trees are regularly planted but also an energy-efficient wooden building housing a training room has been built. We look forward to the start of the spring season when we can actively meet with our Consultants in this space again.


We are grateful to our Partners and Candidates for this good year! Full of zeal and hope with new plans, we are starting to work in the new 2024, wishing ourselves and you favourable winds in achieving success!



Summary of 2023 in H4H: New Challenges and Trends in HR - report available for download in pdf format











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