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Human4Human Recruitment, usługi rekrutacyjne dla firm poszukujących najlepszych Kandydatów, ogłoszenia o pracę, rekrutacja, headhunter
Human4Human Recruitment, usługi rekrutacyjne dla firm poszukujących najlepszych Kandydatów, ogłoszenia o pracę, rekrutacja, headhunter
Human4Human Recruitment, usługi rekrutacyjne dla firm poszukujących najlepszych Kandydatów, ogłoszenia o pracę, rekrutacja, headhunter
10 February 2025
Łódź/Warszawa 20.000 - 25.000 PLN Marketing to nie tylko reklama – to sztuka wytyczania
10 February 2025
Łódź/Warszawa 20.000 - 25.000 PLN To nie jest oferta pracy tylko życiowa szansa, aby

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Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy
Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy
Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy
Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy
Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy

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Human4Human Recruitment is a recruitment agency founded on the fundamental value of the recruitment process - working in service to PEOPLE.

Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy
Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy
Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy


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06 April 2023

Vacancy, recruitment, selection, and done! Is it really that simple? Perhaps some stages of the process seem straightforward, but both Candidates and Employers admit that achieving success in the field of job searching and hiring is not an easy task, requiring a lot of time, dedication... and knowledge about current trends. Because the job market, like other sectors of the economy, undergoes many changes.

Recruitment - Easy, Light, and Fun? 

Human4Human Recruitment, usługi rekrutacyjne dla firm poszukujących najlepszych Kandydatów, ogłoszenia o pracę, rekrutacja, headhunter

Recruitment processes have undergone a tremendous digital revolution with the widespread use of the internet. Then social media and industry portals quickly gained prominence, followed by remote recruitment during the pandemic. Today, much is said about recruitment supported by artificial intelligence. But has recruitment become easier with technological advancements?


Contrary to expectations, the more elements we involve in the recruitment process, the more complex it becomes, and the greater the likelihood that something will go wrong. In the past, a narrow range of qualifications that could be quickly verified was sufficient. Expectations for the ideal employee were low, and the pool of available Candidates was limited. All of this made processes relatively simpler compared to the present.


Elaborate recruitment systems, diverse selection techniques, and a multitude of sources for attracting Candidates do not necessarily translate into ease in hiring or being hired. Reports from the Polish market confirm that the recruitment process is becoming increasingly challenging year by year.[i]


One of the main recruitment challenges is the skills gap - the disparity between the competencies expected by Employers and those possessed by Candidates. It's not just about the necessary knowledge and qualifications but also soft skills, such as the ability to fit into the organizational culture. This means that hiring for attitude rather than solely for knowledge, which Employers can provide later during onboarding, is becoming increasingly popular.


Another challenge is choosing the right recruitment methods and strategies. With the development of technology, more tools have emerged to facilitate the recruitment process, but they are not always effective for every position. Moreover, their application can be costly and time-consuming. Therefore, the effectiveness of one strategy cannot be directly applied to all positions within a company, industry, or location.

It's also worth noting that recruitment is not just about finding the right Candidate but also about attracting them to the company's offer. Nowadays, job seekers have increasingly high expectations, and Employers must ensure an attractive offer and a positive organizational image in the job market. Many Candidates openly admit to researching a company before applying, and the opinions they find can influence their interest in a particular position.[ii]


In summary, recruitment is not an easy task. It can be approached without preparation, knowledge, and skills, but the outcome will be uncertain. After all, a company's success depends primarily on the quality of its employees. It's not worth relying on "luck," intuition, or blind chance when there are ways to effectively select employees. Recruitment can be enjoyable when we meet wonderful people during the process, and the hired person turns out to be perfectly aligned with the team's expectations and supervisors. However, often the situation looks entirely different. What to do then?


Personally, I often compare the recruitment process to the courtship process, in which both sides woo each other, showing only their best side, and then there is a long and costly divorce when the truth comes out. That's why it's so important for the recruitment process to be based on mutual honesty. On both sides - Employers must be honest in presenting the position, and Candidates must openly present their competencies.


With the right knowledge and commitment, a good Candidate and a good Employer can come together in a long and fruitful relationship based on respect and partnership. When Employers struggle to develop an appropriate recruitment strategy and wish to invest in a professional approach to the process, it's worth engaging a good recruitment matchmaker. Especially when we want to live happily ever after with our Employee or Employer.









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