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Human4Human Recruitment, usługi rekrutacyjne dla firm poszukujących najlepszych Kandydatów, ogłoszenia o pracę, rekrutacja, headhunter
Human4Human Recruitment, usługi rekrutacyjne dla firm poszukujących najlepszych Kandydatów, ogłoszenia o pracę, rekrutacja, headhunter
02 October 2024
Warszawa/hybrid 10.000 - 15.000 PLN Dla naszego Partnera - młodej marki kosmetycznej - poszukujemy
01 October 2024
Remote 10.000 - 15.000 PLN Dla naszego Partnera, wiodącej firmy z branży kosmetycznej, poszukujemy

Aenean sagittis mattis purus ut hendrerit. Mauris felis magna, cursus in venenatis ac, vehicula eu massa. Quisque nunc velit, pulvinar nec iaculis id, scelerisque in diam. Sed ut turpis velit. Integer dictum urna iaculis vestibulum finibus. Etiam tempus dictum rhoncus. Nam vel semper eros. Ut molestie sit amet sapien vitae semper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. 


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Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy
Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy
Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy
Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy
Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy

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Human4Human Recruitment is a recruitment agency founded on the fundamental value of the recruitment process - working in service to PEOPLE.

Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy
Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy
Ogłoszenia o pracę, Rekrutacja, Agencja rekrutacyjna Warszawa Human4Human Recruitment wsparcie rekrutacji doradztwo personalne executive search headhunting direct search pośrednictwo pracy


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20 January 2024

Although much has been said and written about what a good CV should look like, Human4Human still receives applications for production positions lacking key information. Therefore, we present a CV template for Production Managers.

Effective CV for Production Manager

Here are a few tips on how to prepare a CV that will be effective and catch the attention of the employer, possibly opening doors to a new and exciting role as a production manager:


  1. Professional Summary


Start with a brief summary of your professional career, preferably in the form of bullet points. Describe your role, tenure, industries, and skills that will help the employer categorize your profile more easily. This is the essence of your entire professional experience in a nutshell, so it must be very clear and present specific facts and figures. In production, numbers are crucial. The professional summary replaces the cover letter. This is the place to specify your business goals and areas in which you want to develop. You can also indicate the type of work or organization you are seeking.

  1. Contact Information

Simply provide your phone number, email address, and city of residence. You can add willingness to relocate and a link to your LinkedIn profile if you actively use this platform. Providing your date of birth, marital status, or exact address with apartment number is unnecessary from a legal and recruitment practice perspective.


  1. Work Experience


Provide information about your past employment starting from the most recent to the oldest. In addition to the period of employment, position held, and employer's name and/or location of the plant, it is also important to mention the production industry you managed to better match the appropriate roles to your experience. Your job title should be universal. Many organizations now use application systems equipped with filtering, and phrases like "Production Manager" are more frequently searched for than "Production Director." Describe your tasks precisely, focusing on what is relevant to the role of Production Manager. Avoid generalities and focus on specifics that will interest the potential employer. Focus only on the most important things. Provide ideally 5 to 8 points.


  1. Achievements


Numbers are key! It's the numbers and the story behind them that "sell" you! This is one of the most important elements of work experience. At the same time, it is often overlooked by candidates, which is a shame because achievements tell us about the potential of the person hired. Employers assume that having specific results under your belt, you will achieve similar ones in the plant entrusted to you. Present real data and specifics, e.g., increasing efficiency by X%, implementing Lean methodologies and Six Sigma tools, deploying an ERP system in X months, etc.


  1. Education and Courses


Some branches of production require special qualifications, so it is important that information about education should be on the first page. It's worth indicating not only the university, specialization, and level of completed studies but also the year of obtaining the diploma and additional courses or certificates confirming your skills and qualifying you for specific tasks. It is assumed that having a university diploma, the high school should be omitted from the CV. You should also not provide the average grade from studies or attach a scan of the diploma to the application. Only include completed studies with a diploma. Recruitment practice also teaches that CV should include courses and training strictly related to the work performed, and those related to soft skills from 10 years ago can be omitted.


  1. Skills and Foreign Languages


As a potential Production Director, it is worth highlighting leadership skills. List your experience in team management, coordination of production activities, and the ability to make strategic decisions. Present the level of proficiency in graphical form, allowing you to highlight your strongest traits. Remember to tailor your skills to the role and be as specific as possible. You can specify specific tools and technologies, such as SAP or Excel, and methodologies like DMAIC, Kaizen, or BIM. This is also a good place to specify language skills using the best A, B, C grades corresponding to levels of proficiency in a given language. You can use online tests to check your level.


  1. Clause


Add a short information clause, compliant with GDPR principles, regarding the processing of personal data. For a GDPR-compliant CV, see here: https://h4h.com.pl/cv-zgodne-z-rodo-2.


  1. Photograph


Adding a photograph to your CV is a matter of debate. In some countries and industries, it is standard, while in others it may be perceived as unprofessional. If you decide to include a photo, make sure it is up-to-date, professional, and your posture is confident and friendly. Avoid photos from informal situations or backgrounds, focusing on a business-like appearance appropriate to the industry and position.


You can use our template: link to editable CV template


Creating an effective CV for the position of Production Manager requires diligence, precision, and the ability to promote your experience. Present yourself as a leader ready for challenges, results-oriented, and innovative in your approach to production management. Remember to tailor your CV to the specifics of the industry in which you intend to work. Also, review the job offer to customize your CV to the specific expectations of the employer. Personalization and consideration of key aspects of the role are key to catching the employer's attention.


If you are still unsure how to prepare your CV, contact our Consultants:


Maria (Management): tel.: 693 949 172, email: maria.kasperkiewicz@h4h.com.pl

Albert (IT, engineering, and mid-level production): tel.: 730 922 375 email: a.welk@h4h.com.pl

Alan (sales and administrative roles): tel.: 535 320 351, e-mail: a.dmochowski@h4h.com.pl


We wish you success in obtaining your dream job!







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